Pet-Friendly Housing
Many animals are surrendered to shelters each year simply because their owners have difficulty finding pet-friendly rental properties. Lollypop Farm knows that pets are part of your family, and wants to make sure that you can stay together in your happy home. Our Pets Are Welcome resource list links renters to helpful apartment/house rental search engines that provide up to the minute information on the properties that allow pets.

It’s important to make sure to choose the search options for rentals that allow pets and review the terms of each listing for the type and number of pets allowed. The following search listings allow you to filter based on who will and will not accept pets at their rental properties.
HotPads Rochester
Renters Guide
Zillow Rochester
- Allow as much time as possible for your housing search. It may take longer to find a pet-friendly rental, and you don’t want to be caught in a situation where you don’t have housing for you or your pet!
- Research pet-friendly rental listings online, in your local community apartment guidebook, or through recommendations from friends and family.
- Be an exemplary pet owner and renter. Follow your rental property pet rules and work with your pet’s behavior to prevent property damage (see our Pet Peeves Behavior resources.) Have your pet spayed or neutered to reduce the likelihood of behavior issues, and always clean up after your pet. Not only will this keep your current landlord happy, you may also be able to get a letter of reference from them if you need to relocate.
- Create a pet resume. This gives you a chance to highlight the positive aspects of your family pet and to show how you will be a responsible pet owner. And if you invite landlords to meet your groomed, well-behaved pet, they’ll learn in person how much a part of your family they are!
- Don’t sign a lease that says “no pets allowed,” even if the landlord says it’s ok. Ensure that any written “no pets” language is crossed off or replaced with wording that allows your pet. You and the landlord should initial the changes.
- Expect a pet deposit or additional monthly fee with a pet-friendly rental. Ensure they are outlined clearly in the lease and that you budget for them in your pet expenses.
- If your landlord says you and your pet must leave, review the terms of your lease. If you believe you need help negotiating your rights, start here.
- Seek help if you are faced with eviction or the loss of your pet. Ask friends and family for help with temporary housing or care for your pet while searching for new housing.
- For more information and resources on renting with your pet, visit mypitbullisfamily.
- Rochester City-Wide Tenant Union
The City-Wide Tenant Union is a grassroots housing justice movement organizing to make housing a human right and to secure community control over land. They do this in two ways: 1) building tenant power through organizing tenant unions and 2) expanding the rights of all tenants through winning transformative policies.
Phone: (585) 210-0705
Website: - Catholic Family Center’s Community Resources Services (CRS)
Catholic Family Center’s CRS address our client’s emergency needs by offering comprehensive services to deal with client’s immediate crisis as well as offer services and resources to help them gain and maintain self-sufficiency.
Phone: (585) 232-2050
Website: - 2-1-1/LIFE LINE
Connecting people in the Finger Lakes Region 24/7.
Phone: 2-1-1 or (877) 356-9211
Website: - Rochester Housing Authority Rental Assistance Program
The Rochester Housing Authority administers numerous ‘tenant-based’ and ‘project-based’ rental assistance programs funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Website: - PathStone
PathStone provides resources that help build and maintain one’s most important assets – financial stability and your home.
Phone: (585) 340-3300
Website: - National Mortgage Assistance Center
Get mortgage assistance now with the National Mortgage Assistance Center. Get professional help to keep your home and have peace of mind.
Website: - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher Program
The housing choice voucher program is the federal government’s major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market.
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