We first met Buster in late October when a concerned community member brought him to Lollypop Farm. This 10-year-old orange, tiger cat was found roaming in Ontario as a stray, and he needed help. Buster, (then unnamed), was in a very sad state. Not only because of the distressed, worried look in his eyes, but because every step he took was putting him in pain.
The veterinary team at Lollypop Farm began care immediately for Buster immediately. The pads on his two front paws were terribly swollen and bleeding. After completing a biopsy, our veterinary team discovered that Buster was suffering an inflammatory disease known as plasmacytic pododermatitis.
“This disease causes paw pads to be flooded with plasma cells,” explained Dr. McNamara, a veterinarian at Lollypop Farm. These are the same type of cells that secrete antibodies when a pet has an infection. It causes pads to become soft, swollen, and in severe cases like Buster’s, ulcerated, bleeding, and very painful.

Our veterinary team started gently cleansing his paws and bathing them in a solution to help them heal. After his daily treatment, Buster receives new bandages on his paws to give them the time they need to heal. In spite of the pain he is in, Buster patiently allows veterinary staff to clean and dress his sensitive paws. “It’s thanks to a caring community that Buster is able to receive care,” says Dr. McNamara. “Without their support, pets like Buster couldn’t receive the veterinary care they need before finding new homes.” Buster has also had to have two of his teeth removed and has been treated for an ear infection.

Buster is still healing in our veterinary clinic, where he is receiving ongoing care. Once fully healed, he will be able to find a new home and family, a day that will surely put a smile on his worried face.

Would you like to help us provide loving care for pets like Buster? Now through December 22, donations to Lollypop Farm are being matched by local animal lovers Tom and Marilyn Sergent, up to $100,000!
Donate today to support pets in need like Buster: www.lollypop.org/holidaymatch