With Spring right around the corner, we are likely to see an increase in our encounters with wildlife of all kinds. Here you can find a series of tips on what to do – and what not to do – if you come across wild animals in your backyard or around the community.

It is common this time of year to find baby rabbits or deer left alone by their mothers. Fear not, they have not been abandoned! These babies should be left right where you found them – their mothers will return to care for them, most likely when you are no longer around.
If a baby bird has fallen from its nest, the best thing to do is put the bird carefully back into the nest (or the nest itself back into the tree). Don’t worry about getting your scent on the bird. Some birds that appear to have fallen from the nest are actually recently fledged and are learning how to fly. They will not stay in the nest, if you attempt to return them to it.

If you find an injured animal
If you find an injured animal on your property or in your travels, for your safety please refrain from handling the animal. Call your local animal control agency or a wildlife rehabilitator – they are licensed and trained to handle wildlife.
We also ask that our community members do not bring wildlife to Lollypop Farm. We are not licensed to handle wild animals and will need to refer you to another resource.

Should you come across an injured wild animal, we suggest contacting East Ridge Animal Hospital or Fairport Animal Hospital. Both organizations are equipped to care for wildlife. If you find a wild animal while travelling, here’s where you can access a directory of wildlife rehabilitators by state.
You can find additional information on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation site.