With the New Year now here, we’re reflecting back on 2018 and all of the stories that inspired us. There are so many successes from the past year that you helped make possible. Here are just five of the things that you, a supporter and advocate for Lollypop Farm, should start off 2019 feeling SO proud of.
1. You helped vaccinate even more pets in our community through free clinics.
This year, we launched a brand new initiative at Lollypop Farm – free vaccination clinics for pets in our community. In an effort to provide affordable services to pets who need it most, we brought our veterinarians out of the shelter and into the community where we were able to host two free clinics, and we have plans to do even more – and include cats – in the coming year! Thanks to your support, 130 dogs and puppies received necessary vaccinations and wellness checks, totally for free. We also gave out free supplies like dog food, collars, leashes, and more. Click here to read more about how these clinics are helping pets and people in Rochester.

2. You provided nurturing care to 103 bottle babies.
Throughout 2018, over 100 newborn kittens and several puppies were brought to Lollypop Farm. These babies required round-the-clock care and feeding by hand. Thanks to your support, we were able to provide for each and every one of these vulnerable pets and find foster homes where they would be lovingly cared for until they were old enough to be adopted. Each and every spring, Lollypop Farm and shelters across the US see massive increases in the number of cats and kittens admitted to the shelter. Kitten season comes along with an influx in motherless un-weaned kittens who need constant care and attention. Throughout the year, your gifts to Lollypop Farm and donations of kitten formula, warming disks, stuffed animals, and other essential supplies gave these kittens and puppies the care they needed to survive.

3. You went above and beyond to ensure lifesaving care to pets with medical needs.
Sometimes pets arrive at Lollypop Farm in need of extensive veterinary care, and your generosity makes their second chances possible.

This spring, we took in a number of goats from a local farm. Among them was Mama, a female goat who was suffering from large, painful tumors in her udders. The veterinary team knew that surgery would be risky, but was necessary to relieve Mama’s suffering. Lollypop Farm Medical Director Dr. Cristina Cadavieco performed a difficult 3-hour surgery on Mama to remove all of the tumors, and the procedure was a resounding success! Just a few weeks later, Mama was outside with the rest of her herd, enjoying life on the farm without pain. She’s still here at Lollypop Farm, now, and is healthy, happy, and thriving. It is with your support that we are able to go above and beyond for animals like Mama.
Click here to watch Mama’s story now.
Milo, a 1-year-old Chihuahua, came to Lollypop Farm with a severely broken front leg. The surgery he needed was out of the scope of what could be performed here at Lollypop Farm, so we reached out to you, our friends and supporters, to help us raise the funds to send this little pup to the Companion Animal Hospital at Cornell in an attempt to save his leg. You came through – and raised enough for not just Milo to have this essential surgery, but several other pets as well! Milo was in foster care while undergoing surgery and healing afterwards, and ended up being adopted by his foster family. Today, Milo is enjoying life in Rochester: stealing toys from the cats in his house, barking at squirrels, and happily strolling around the block on all four legs.

4. You helped educate our community about the misconceptions surrounding “micro pigs.”
This past year, we took on the myths and misconceptions surrounding “micropigs,” or “teacup pigs” in our community. With your help, we were able to launch a campaign to spread the word about the realities of having a pig as a pet, and the truth about what a healthy, fully-grown potbellied pig should look like. The concept of a “micro pig” that will remain less than 50 pounds when fully grown is an unfortunate myth often perpetuated by breeders. Oftentimes pigs end up at places like Lollypop Farm when their families realize that they are starting to exceed the small size they were promised by a breeder. Pigs are wonderful, intelligent creatures who deserve homes that understand their needs and recognize that they won’t stay small forever. The average potbellied pig tends to weigh anywhere between 80 and 180 pounds. It is only with your help that we were able to dedicate the time and energy towards debunking these myths, and will continue pushing forward in the New Year!

Click here to read more about the misconceptions surrounding micro-pigs.
5. You made these happy tails possible.
Every year, there are happy adoption stories that really stick with us. With your support, each and every adoption at Lollypop Farm is a special moment for pets and their new families. These are just a few stories from 2018 that were extra memorable.
Who could forget Lilla (now Lilly), the 8-year-old pup who spent over a year with us at Lollypop Farm before finding her perfect family this past March? Lilly came to the shelter in need of veterinary care that her previous owners weren’t able to provide. We worked with her for months to find just the right treatment to control her allergies, and it took over 12 months for this good girl to find a home. Zac and Michele felt the connection with Lilly almost immediately when they stopped by Lollypop Farm one evening March. They ended up bringing her home, and today, Lilly is loving life – making new friends, taking long car rides, and savoring every moment with her family.

When Buster was brought to Lollypop Farm by a concerned community member who found him on her front porch, his paws were severely damaged and painful. Buster so patiently endured weeks and weeks of treatment in our veterinary clinic to repair his sore paws, and early in 2018, found his perfect match. Buster’s new family sends us monthly updates about Buster’s life, and most recently sent in a photo of Buster peacefully under the Christmas tree at home. We’re so happy for this big guy!

And then of course there’s Ruckus, a 2-year-old St. Bernard who came to Lollypop Farm with a face full of porcupine quills in mid-September. His owners felt that since this wasn’t his first encounter with these prickly woodland creatures, Ruckus may do better in a home where he would be less likely to find porcupines. Ruckus was treated by our veterinary team at Lollypop Farm, and local media fell in love with his droopy face and harrowing tale. Once fully healed, Ruckus was adopted by Matt, who wasn’t aware at the time that he was bringing home an internet sensation! Ruckus was renamed Magnus – a fitting name for this handsome pup!
“Magnus is doing so well. He’s starting to make some puppy friends and people absolutely love him. He’s been such a sweetheart. Looking forward to a happy and healthy 2019! Thank you for taking such great care of him.” – Matt R., Magnus’ adopter.

To everyone who made these and so many other accomplishments possible in 2018, we thank you. Your support made these happy tails, veterinary successes, educational campaigns, and outreach programs a reality.
Feeling inspired? You can be a part of the mission to help homeless pets, too. By making a gift to Lollypop Farm today, you are making these successes, and so many more, possible for pets in need in our community. Just imagine what we can accomplish together in the New Year!
Give now: www.lollypop.org/holidays